Live Wedding Painting in The Metropark's Backyard
Live Wedding Painting // Jacqueline DelBrocco // Acrylic on 24x36in Canvas // August 2016
This past Summer, I had the chance to paint a reception that took “backyard wedding” to a whole new level. The groom's family came all the way from Texas to join the bride's family, who welcomed them at their private residence overlooking the picturesque Rocky River Metroparks in Northeast Ohio.
Imagine a warm, peaceful Summer landscape so beautiful it feels like you dreamed it up... What a setting! Truly picture perfect for Ann Marie and Sam’s big day this past August. Thanks to At Last Event Planning and an amazing team of wedding vendors, the backyard of the bride's family residence was transformed into a magical reception venue. Every detail was perfectly executed.
A huge tent enveloped the celebration, with strands of twinkling lights hovering over the crowd. The vantage point I was set up to capture allowed me to include several lovely details, including the cake by Becker’s Bakery and some beautiful floral pieces (Twig Florals) and nostalgic touches (Borrow Rentals). I was excited to see one of my favorite vendors, Sweet Water Caravan, set up to serve drinks and add to the charming aesthetic of the celebration.
But the best part of this reception was how they announced the bridal party. Instead of the usual two by two introduction, they all came out together in a bunny hop style chain! Such a fun, unique way of doing this, I had to include it in the painting.
It was a beautiful celebration and you could truly feel the joy from both families as they came together to celebrate Ann Marie and Sam's love.
Aster + Olive Photography perfectly captured the nostalgic, charming feel of this day. She also got the perfect photo source to help me add the bride and groom into the painting with more detail. Here are a few other photos she took that helped as I finished it up in my studio:

Thanks Astor + Olive Photography for getting this action shot! I love the perspective and how you can see what I see while I'm painting it.
This is the photo I used for reference while painting the bride and groom in more detail in my studio after the wedding.
The bridal party making their entrance! (Another helpful source image when adding details in studio)
Sweet Water Caravan!
The wedding reception from a step back - You can see where I was set up to capture the live painting under the tent, far back enough to get a nice perspective of the whole celebration but close enough for guests to watch me paint